6. Back To School

"Mira!! Wake up or else you'll miss your bus. Do you want to be absent on the first day of school?" My aunt said, trying to wake me up from sleep. I swear to god, people are so obsessed with seperating me and my love, sleep. You'd think being together for 14 years would make them leave us alone.

I lazily woke up and made my way to the bathroom. Today was the first day of offline school. After almost two years, I'm going to school.

I wondered how it'd been if I were still in my previous school - how my life had changed in this covid lockdown. The only thing I missed in my previous school was the School Captain badge and my best friend Varnika. Varnika and I lost contact when I deleted my instagram account. As for the bagde, I was the topper and an all-rounder so naturally the bagde was meant for me. The teachers adored me and I'm sure I'd have rocked the interview. Plus, there was no voting system for school appointees which leaves me with no uncertanity. I was the School Captain for primary section in 5th grade anyway, so I'm all to familiar with the duties. I don't think I could easily gain a name like that in this new school so the badge is out of option. I'd really miss saying commands & pledge in the prayer. I was looking forward to be able to do it again in 10th grade and 12th grade. It felt good to be in authority and I can't be normal no matter how much I tried. I wondered who would become the School Captain next year in my previous school.

I got ready while reminiscing about my past. Then, me and my aunt went to the bus stop. The bus was easily recognisable since it was a brand-new bus with my school's name written on all the sides. I went in and chose a random seat. I was in one of the early stops so there were only a few students in the bus. I noticed that the guy who was present in the astronomy event was also in my bus - Kamalesh, Rohan's friend. There was also another girl who was one year junior to me. I learned that her name was Lunasha and she seemed really sweet. Two more people got into the bus after me.

I didn't interact much with any of them since I'm an introvert and won't open up untill I get comfortable. I still missed my sleep. I would've literally hated waking up this early if I weren't so excited about meeting Rohan again. I wondered which bus Rohan would be in, if he had already started too. I didn't want to get my hopes up by thinking he would be in my bus. Surely, fate didn't love me that much.

It was around 7:20 a.m. in the morning and we still had more than half an hour to go to school. I chose to close my eyes and get a nap - wanting to look fresh on my first day. I slowly awoke when our bus was going on a rocky path. Indian roads. This is exactly why I don't (more like can't) sleep while travelling.

Cursing stupid roads for ruining my sleep, I chose to do the next best thing - looking around. I took in the surroundings - the trees, animals, vehicles, and the sky. The sky looked so pretty today. Hell, it looks pretty everyday. Clouds or not - I loved watching the sky. Especially the night sky. I used to lie down on the terrace and look up at the stars. I would tell random stuff to them. I even cried to them whenever I was upset. The sky in the day was beautiful but nothing comforted me like the night sky.

The stars were my friends.

The moon was my listener.

The midnight rain was my comfort.

The lightnings were my favourite sight.

The thunders were my favourite sound.

I loved nature with all of me. Not only because I found comfort in it, but also because of the love it provides us. We destroy it so much, use it however we want without giving anything back and take it for granted. Yet, it provides us the most beautiful world to live in. Nature's love is the living example of selfless, unconditional love.

I looked to my left when the bus halted. My breathing stopped at what I witnessed.

You've. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

Rohan Rajvansh was in the same bus as me.

What the fuck. I mean- how the fuck.

I looked at the sky and narrowed my eyes. This had to be some coincidence or I'll strangle fate for messing with me so much. Bitch I asked you to help me get over him and focus on studies not to push him closer to me.

I only exhaled after Rohan sat in a seat that was a bit far from me. That was for the best. I had to put a full stop to these feelings before they got out of my hand. I needed to. So I did my best to calm down and went back to admiring the sky. But the prickling hyper-awareness of his presence tugged at the back of my mind. I ignored it like I should do.

I was excited when Aisha entered the bus. I already knew she was in my bus. Last night, we called each other and found out we were in the same bus and were smiling like idiots. We were the only girls in our class so we were happy to get more bonding time. So, the seat next to me was obviously hers. We talked about random stuff till we arrived at school. I occansionally glanced at Rohan. Resisting this man would be the hardest thing for me - I can already see that. Atleast I wasn't too obvious.

Our bus was the first to arrive at school and we went to our class after searching around. Our teachers had a small welcome gift made for us - it had our names and some nuts wrapped in a coloured paper. It was a really sweet gesture and would've been sweeter if the nuts weren't there. I hated nuts and everything healthy. Who gives nuts as a welcome gift anyway?

We entered the class and chose our own places - the liberty of the first day. Since I'm tall as hell I always sat in the last bench so I was naturally drawn to it. Fortunately, Aisha also preferred last bench so we didn't have any arguments. Rohan chose a bench of his own choice which happened to be a little far from me, so I was calm.

Rohan seemed really nice, friendly and outgoing. I had a feeling we were going to be good friends. I just hoped my stupid feelings won't come in the way. I'm not here for love. I'm here for knowledge and friends. While I already knew this school would provide the knowledge I needed, it seemed like it would provide great friends too. All my classmates seemed nice.

I already knew half of them through our discord server. To my surprise, I could be an extrovert if I wanted. I was one of the most active members in our server. I talked a lot. Maybe this school was my new comfort zone - the last one surely wasn't. The others seemed nice and I was looking forward to a fun and peaceful year ahead. Our batch wouldn't face much changes before 11th grade anyway so I got more than a year with all these people.

Our first period was Astronomy and since some of the buses hadn't arrived yet, our astronomy teacher didn't start the lesson not wanting them to miss anything. Since we were just waiting, he asked if any of us wanted to do anything like singing. No one was willing but they brought up my name since I sang on Children's day. The astronomy teacher sided with them and asked me to sing again. I wasn't scared since I had already sung in front of all of them once but it felt weird to do it face-to-face. I hesitated a little but sang Epiphany by Jin again. I love the song and its singer soo much.

By the time I was finished, the remaining students had arrived. Since it was the first day, we had another introduction session. I was getting sick of them at this point. The rest of the day went similarly. We had a snack break in the morning at 10 and lunch break at 12. We got to know each other during the breaks. The classes were the continuation of whatever happened during online. Some teachers even did a revision which I was so thankful for.

I didn't talk much to Rohan since I don't really know what to start with. I only talked to those I already knew on discord. He also seemed pretty close with his classmates. Though, I never missed a chance to glance at Rohan. A hundred people could be talking to me and my eyes would still be looking at him. The fuck is wrong with me?

Rohan was supposed to be in a different section which was meant for CBSE syllabi alone but his section only had 3 people while the remaining 17 students chose JEE/NEET course. It was understandable since this was a brand new school opened by a famous JEE coaching institute. It needed a few more years to gain reputation. Not wanting to isolate the three of them, the teachers made them sit with us. We would have English, Social Science and language classes commonly. Main subjects i.e., physics, chemistry, math and biology would happen seperately and the three of them would go to the adjacent class.

The day passed by smoothly and we dispersed at 3 pm, guided by the teachers to go to our respective buses. Me and Aisha chose a seat near the backside of the bus where our class boys sat. We didn't talk much to them but I assumed we would in the future. After Aisha went, I went back to admiring the sky and taking in the surrounding. I made sure to remind myself to do it everyday to memorise the way just in case something happened.

I felt a little sad after Rohan got down and then internally cursed myself for that. I still don't understand the kind of feelings he stirred in me. I've never felt like this for anyone. Even when I thought I was in love, I had to make myself feel this feelings artificially and I ended up assuming that's how things worked. But the way Rohan made me feel so many things so naturally, despite me not wanting to? That's pretty scary and exciting at the same time.

While walking home, I smiled to myself.

I guess from now on I would look forward to going in the bus as well.


Word Count: 1800

Edited by: Rachel123Z (Belated Happy Birthday)

Hello everyone,

I'm really sorry for the late update. I was busy with my final exams. I successfully fucked up all of them T_T I'm sorry if the chapter seemed boring... I'm still depressed about my marks but I forced myself to write it for you guys :D

Also, I've been thinking about my next books and made some rough gist. This book is easy to write since it's just school romance. But the genres I'm working on need a lot of working and dedication so I'll publish them after I finish 12th grade.

Make sure to look forward to either a Mafia Romance / a Fantasy Romance in the year 2025 from me <3

If anyone knows some really good Mafia / Fantasy books please reccomend. I'll need all the inspiration I'd need.

Have a nice day/night!

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Ava King

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I'm new to writing but my dream is to publish atleast one book before I die! I found solace in reading and books helped me the most when I was at the lowest stage of my life. I wish to write books that'd help girls like me escape their cruel reality.

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