4. First Meet

How do I summon a time machine?

That was the only thing in my mind as I was waiting outside the principal's room. I really, really love my dad but sometimes - especially at times like this - his righteousness and need for honesty is a huge turn off.

Okay, I get it. He's morally pure and would tolerate no injustice. Afterall he's an advocate. My dad's aggressive honesty perfectly complements my mom's soft, serene purity. They're a match made in heaven. And I'm the daughter from hell.

Either I need a time machine or some supernatural powers to disappear from this embarrassment-of-a-situation. But since I have neither, I'm forced to go through this hell. Yay me.


The 'confessing-session' went sweet and motivating at best. Guilt-tripping and embarrassing at worst. Now I would have to travel an hour to school and attend classes offline when all my new classmates could enjoy the online classes. I must also write the upcoming PA exam in school – monitored by teachers – while my classmates get to write online exams happily. The worst part was I couldn't even complain about it since I brought this upon myself.

I'm super good at getting myself into wonderful messes, aren't I?

God knows how much more trouble I'm going to put myself into.

I spent the rest of the day secretly sulking at the consequences, hating myself for being so dumb and acting like I'm happy about my dad's decision.

The next week went by in a blur. I woke up early and came to school with my dad. He dropped me and went to court – probably giving death sentences to criminals.

Okay, that was a joke. My dad is in the civil side of the law.

I wrote exams in the morning, attended classes in the afternoon – hoping anyone would come to school and give me company. I didn't mind the loneliness but let's just agree that a small, tiny part of me wanted Rohan to come.

But a major part of me relished the solitude. I went to the library and read whatever book I could find whenever there was a free period. Most of the times I get so engrossed in books that I didn't notice I made my dad wait too long.

I love reading more than I love chocolates. Which is a lot more than lot.

Coming to school often, my dad became friends with many staff members here. He is usually scary from afar but when he wants to befriend someone you can consider it done. My dad is a genius in both academics and in life. While I inherited the academic part, the 'genius in life' part missed out in my DNA. How nice.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, my dad got to know about an upcoming astronomy event conducted by our school in a zoo. A ZOO! Yes, I'm not joking - it was in the museum of an actual, famous zoo.

And I must volunteer in that event. My dad's orders. And I had to obey it like a good, little daughter. Just when can I become an adult?


As scheduled, the event was happening on October 4, 2021. A normal day with neither too much nor too little sun along with a pleasant weather.

My whole family of 4 went to the see me volunteering in an astronomy event - all because it was a Sunday. Varun, my little brother, who is equivalent to an hellion, would enjoy it since he always had interest in astronomy. How I wished it was him volunteering instead of me....

We reached the venue earlier than expected and waited in the museum hall for others to join. The museum building was not too small, but it wasn't too big either. The walls were filled with portraits of various animals with their details written the caption. It was a simple hall with no decor, white walls and granite tiles. I took in every exhibition as I waited for further instructions.

The most unexpected part was seeing Rohan enter the hall. For the second time in my life, the world stopped, time froze and everything blurred - keeping my sole focus on one person. The very same effects as the first day I lay my eyes on him. What's with this guy blurring everyone out in the room?

I took him in for the first time. School uniform, a black bag across his one shoulder, a hairstyle I didn't know the name of but surely suited him. If he looked good in video, he took my breath away when face-to-face.

I'm sure he didn't notice me yet. Even if he did, it will probably be because I'm the tallest girl in the room. I really don't want to be excited at this but I am. I am excited AND relieved that he is taller than me. Why? I don't know.

You know. You just don't want to admit it.

Shut up. Your opinion is not needed and definitely not helping right now.

I was just stating facts. And if you don't come to your senses and keep staring at him like he's a 6-foot-tall bar of chocolate our dad will catch on. Not to mention your emotions is probably scattered all across your face.

Okay, I may have been glancing at him but I'm definitely not staring at him like he's a 6 foot tall chocolate.

I quickly masked my expression and looked away from him because I didn't want to raise any suspicion. But it was so damn hard I ended up taking a peek at him every 5 seconds and looking at him from the corner of my eye the other 4 seconds.

It's as if no one exists when he's in front of me. And that's disturbing because it's unhealthy - but I don't seem to care about that.

Nevertheless, I tried my best to not reveal anything and kept a calm, normal face. After many volunteers came, I figured out we were supposed to stand on different tables and represent each planet of the solar system. We ought to give out some clues for some quiz and make them do some activity. At the end, our astronomy teacher would see all applications and answers to determine the winner.

Not so boring. I can do it.

I was given the planet Earth (just the planet I want to escape) and had to do some morse code. I figured it out in 5 mins, thanks to my smart-but-not-so-smart brain. And next I would have to guide people on how to do it but not spill the answer. I also had to sit beside a kid, who happened to be my classmate's sibling and that classmate happened to be Rohan's friend. I know it means nothing but my stupid heart....

Anyways, that kid was so silent we barely talked. I tried asking him a few questions to kill boredom but only got short clipped answers instead. So I shifted my focus on guiding the participants and helping those who couldn't figure out the morse code - anything that avoided staring at Rohan.

Despite all my efforts, I kept glancing at Rohan every 5 seconds once and took him in. I knew just how hard it is going to be in school for me. I cannot take my attention away from this guy for even once. Even if I'm talking to others, my eyes keep seeking him not seeming to realize the importance of eye contact while speaking. It feels as if everything ceased to exist whenever he's close and that is so fucked up.

All these intense feelings were so new to me that I was overwhelmed. I didn't speak to him once. I couldn't even try. Being an introvert doesn't help either. Even though I'm slowly opening up and texting my classmates, neither of them were him. Apparently, Rohan has some different kind of magnetic field which attracts mine like crazy - I can neither go near because it's too intense nor can I stay away because I'm clearly pulled by a stronger force than I can repel.

What fucked up shit did I get myself into now?

This is annoying, frustrating and irritating. I've never been the type of girl to become shy or nervous around guys. I'm literally the opposite. I used to beat guys just because they talked when I was monitoring the class. And I used to be a class monitor for 2 years straight so my poor classmates got enough beatings to last them 5 years. Every single guy would be scared of me and would run away if he saw me. I was basically the boss bitch with too much attitude ever since I was a kid.

Where is that me now??? What the fuck did Rohan do to me? I'm feeling like if he just looked at me once, I would literally melt. And I didn't even know what that meant.

I managed to do my job properly, keeping the emotional turmoil inside me under wraps. But my defenses started faltering when he stood up and went around the tables. I was scared, nervous and excited at the thought of him coming to my table. How did I feel such extreme emotions at the same time? I had no clue.

The turmoil became worse when he actually came to my table. I explained our script so casually like I wasn't just staring at him like a longing puppy. He solved the morse code and went to next table. He was friendly and easy to talk to for others. But to me? I had to give myself 5 pep-talks to even utter a single word.

When he went, I exhaled a breath I didn't even know I held in.

This guy is doing crazy things to me without even knowing.

After lots of self-debating and false-courage I went up to his table. Jupiter. Ironic, I've always found Jupiter more fascinating than other planets. The Great Red Spot had always piqued my interest. As if that wasn't enough, his activity was to make the audience play Jenga. The game I always loved watching BTS play. I've always wanted to try this out. Is this some sick joke of fate?

By the time I went near him, it was already time and everyone were packing. But I told him that I've never played this game before and had always wanted to play. He said it was just 500 rs in Amazon but I couldn't tell him I hated spending my parent's money for something as trivial as a game. I always hated spending their money so much so I stopped asking anything other than things which are absolutely necessary. I even tell them not to buy me dresses since I have enough. They could surely buy me as much as I wanted but I hated it anyway. It felt like owing a debt and I hate that feeling.

Dismissing my thoughts, I focused on his instructions - or more like on his voice. Since I'm good at multi tasking I sunk in the words and also memorized his voice. I was so right - his voice was so good to my ears I could listen to it all day.

I had three chances to pull out and I had to make sure it wouldn't fall. I failed at the second try thanks to being inexperienced. I was about to help him arrange it but I didn't realize he was trying to do the same which ended up in our fingers brushing for a milli second.

A shiver ran down my spine.

I was never a fan of being touched by the opposite gender and I was untouched in every way. I've never even held anyone's hand romantically. The only physical touch I involved in (because I have to) is handshakes. If you noticed closely, I would always hesitate for a second before giving out my hand for handshakes. It was as if I loathed any sort of physical contact with men. And I was fine with it because I didn't feel the same with females. I was comfortable and even touchy when it comes to girls.

I still know I hate physical contact with the opposite gender which makes me so fucking confused as to why a slight brush of fingers with this guy got me reacting like this. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I all excited for a mere contact? God, I need serious help.

What kind of joke was fate playing on me?

Most importantly, what was this guy making me feel?

Why did I feel something so close to pain in my chest as I watched him leave with his dad?

I wanted to look at him one more time. Hear his voice, see him smile. I wanted to be near him once more.

Is this just a crush? Infatuation? Attraction? Love?

It can't be love... I've been in love before. It felt nothing like this. It was sweet, pure but what Rohan made me feel? It felt like it would bring the sweetest pleasures but also the harshest pain. And I was willing to ache for him.

What was this emotion?

Why did I feel so drawed to him when he didn't seem to face the same with me?

Why was I so strongly pulled to him?

Rohan... Why did I keep craving to utter his name on my lips?


Word count: 2200+

Edited by Rachel123Z (She is more interested in my book than I am)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter🖤

So many people have been asking me for this so I made this chapter a little longer than I usually would.

Needless to say, I enjoyed writing about their first meet.

Rohan was casual and friendly with Mira as he would be with everyone. However, Mira feels so intensely for Rohan it scares her...

Does Mira love Rohan?

If yes, will Rohan love her back?

Guess we have to wait for answers...

The next chapter will take a little longer since I have exams so I hope you all understand

Have a good day/night!

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Ava King

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I'm new to writing but my dream is to publish atleast one book before I die! I found solace in reading and books helped me the most when I was at the lowest stage of my life. I wish to write books that'd help girls like me escape their cruel reality.

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