2. First Glance

April 19, 2021

"Mira!!! Wake up! Your class is in 10 minutes and you're still sleeping! Do you want to be late for your first class in your new school?" My mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Maa it's just an online orientation session. I don't even have to attend it. Just let me sleep please. I'm tired." I didn't want to wake up from my fantasy world yet. I had no clue what I was dreaming few minutes ago, and I honestly didn't care. My fantasy world basically consists of me recreating all the romance I read and saw yesterday. For me, it is equivalent to coffee. I can't imagine my life without either of them.

"If I see you sleeping when I come there, I'll pour a bucket of water on your face. And I won't let you attend classes without finishing your breakfast."

Arghhhhh. Can't a girl sleep in peace?!?! Waking up in the morning is the most shittiest thing to do. I would gladly cuddle my pillow all day and sleep forever. Why can't I just be Sleeping Beauty? (Minus the prince who'll ruin my precious sleep with a stupid kiss - It's so fkn cringe)

I woke up and lazily checked the time, only to find out I have half an hour before the orientation session. INDIAN MOMS. I rolled my eyes and continued with my morning routine.

I got ready for the session 5 minutes prior the scheduled time. I opened dramacool out of habit only to remember I told myself no more kc-dramas. Ughhh.

'It's just an orientation session... I can watch, can't I?'

'Nope. Don't you fucking dare. Remember your decisions and fucking stick to it. Whatever class it is, you will listen. You've come to 9th grade, no more funny business.'

The rebellious part of me rolled its eyes at the responsible part of me while I just sit there waiting for the session to start - looking at the names & pfp of the people joining. It's been soo long since I was attentive in an online class.

Better late than never, they say.

Let's get this over with.


Why can't people ever start a session as per scheduled time? I've been waiting in the call for 10 whole minutes yet the host hasn't started the event. You might think it's just 10 minutes but only I know it feels like fucking hours without watching my k-dramas.

Withdrawals, withdrawals.

I'm so damn close to opening dramacool and fucking up my plans when the host finally decides to start the session. About-fucking-time.

They went on talking about something to which I half-listened with absolutely no interest. I literally saluted the sincerity of the people who turned on their cameras for this session. Given, I used to be like them 2 years ago but now I loathe being like that with passion.

I was just looking at all the people when one particular video grabbed my attention.

One look at him, and... DAMN. Is this what happens in movies and books? The World stops. Time stops. Everything blurs out and all the focus zones in on one person. Till this date I thought those stuff are just made up cringe shit, until it was happening right in front of me. TO ME, nonetheless.

Ok, my stupid heart you need to calm the fuck down. He's just a boy. You don't even know his name.

Oh wait I can know his name right away. (You totally got the point, bitch eye roll)

Rohan Rajvansh

Damnn that sounds good.

Puh-lease. It's a common name and what the fuck is wrong with you? You don't even know if he's in your class. He might be a junior for gods' sake.

I went and checked his email id to figure out his grade. Fortunately, he's the same grade as me and hopefully, we'd be in the same class.

Uh-uh I know where this is going. You're going to screw yourself if you proceed with this further. Remeber our rule? No crushes/bfs and definitely no falling in love. Remember what happened last time?

For one, I wasn't in love the last time. You know what happened. Aaand this guy doesn't even know me. This kind of crush is harmless. I can't really fall in love with him if I don't know him and as long as I don't fall in love everything would go smooth. I won't even tell anyone, promise.

Don't come to me when he breaks you. I won't comfort you. Not one bit.

First of all, I should be in love with him for him to break me. It's just a harmless crush-at-first-sight. Second of all, he definitely doesn't look like he'd break anyone's heart. He looks so innocent.... His eyes, his smile ohh fuckk-- I think I'll let him ruin me if he wants to.

I totally see where this is going. sighs Do whatever the fuck you want. You never listened to me anyway. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the drama. And honey, I bet you're gonna fall head over heels for him in a few months and get yourself in trouble. I know you, and you've never been like this with anyone-

Can you for once stop speaking like a 60-year-old grandmother and let me look at him peacefully. He looks soo good I can go all day looking at him.

Bitch, you've known him for what? 10 minutes. You're already taking his side. I'm so fucking screwed aren't I?

Whatever. I'd take his side over yours any-fucking-day. The only thing I love about you is the decision you took to not watch k-dramas. I finally found the love of my life~~~

Someone please fucking kill me.

My stupid, stupid heart don't you dare fall in love. I had enough of your shit. Just let me fucking focus on my studies. I need that goddamn IIT seat. We literally just escaped all the boy drama by switching schools dont you dare involve me into it again. I'll fucking kill you and bury you myself.

Why am I trapped in the same body as you?

Bro, calm down. You're smart enough to not let this guy affect our studies. I trust you and I know you won't let me down. I also know that you love me enough to not kill me. And can't you just agree?? You like him too.

I've known you for your entire life and your sugarcoating doesn't work on me. And I'd never like someone with just a glance. I need to have atleast 20 heart-to-heart conversations to decide if I'll even be their friend.

Psst- you and your trust issues. I am thankful you don't show yourself outside. Everyone will literally hate us and call us a cold bitch.

One day you'll realise being a cold bitch is better than being a sunshiny idiot. When you do, I'll take over. Until then enjoy your freedom.

Thank you, your highness for being soo generous and giving me freedom. I'll forever be grateful for your generosity. eye roll

Now can I look at him in peace??

Whatever. I'm gonna sleep. You won't watch k-dramas when he's here anyway.

Thank fuck. Now I can look at him all I want.

Wait- he's speaking something. Damnn his voice--- If it's this good in mic then how good will it be in real? I can't wait to hear his voice. It probably will sound ordinary for anyone but to me? It sounds like heaven. I could hear him talk all day.

"That's right. What is your name?" the host asked.

"Rohan Reyansh" he replied. His voice ughh I love it already.

"That's quite a unique answer. I really appreciate your thinking, Rohan. You'll do great in this school" the host appreciated him and I smiled. More accurately- I blushed. Fuck I've never blushed in my entire life...

Pleasee I'm blushing and smiling like an idiot because him just got appreciated by the host?? For one, I'm helpless - like my brain said. For two, he sounds so confident - something I've never been - something I'll never be.

Then I went back to staring at him till the session ended.

That was the best orientation session ever. Atleast as good as it could get, since it was only online. I would very much like to see him in offline. (Please make him taller than me)

I spent the rest of the day thinking about him - recalling his eyes, his smile, his voice. Please go to the permanent memory file.

Of course I listened to classes but they mostly were introduction sessions and sadly, he was not in my class. Guess we're in different sections then.

How I wish we could've been in the same class... But I guess this is for the best because I'll spend all my time looking at him and not listen to class which will annoy my grandma-of-a-brain.

I'm sure that bitch will be so happy when she knows we're in different classes.

Already am, honey.

I thought you went to sleep.

You're too loud.



Word Count: 1500

Edited by: Rachel123Z (Thanks for putting up with my cringe, I promise my upcoming books would be far better)

That was Mira's first impression on Rohan. Whose side are you guys on - Mira's heart or Mira's brain?

Personally, I would like to agree with Mira's brain. But actually I'm as smitten with Rohan as Mira's heart is.

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Have a nice day/night!

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Ava King

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I'm new to writing but my dream is to publish atleast one book before I die! I found solace in reading and books helped me the most when I was at the lowest stage of my life. I wish to write books that'd help girls like me escape their cruel reality.

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