1. A Fresh Start

April 2021

I was 13 that summer, eagerly waiting to turn 14 that June and finally complete one year in my teenage life. To be honest, I had always wanted to grow up - become an adult and live my life. It's not like I have abusive parents or daddy issues. It's the opposite, actually. I have the best parents one can ever have. Loving, kind, compassionate, understanding, educated, respected, and pretty much perfect. Hell, I'm one of the luckiest girls to have parents like mine.

However, the same doesn't go for them. They weren't exactly 'lucky' in the daughter department. Given, I'd always been a straight-A student, class topper, multi-talented. But I always tend to be rebellious. Whatever is denied to me, I don't rest until I get it. No to relationships until 18? I wanted to break it. No phone until 18? I craved to have it. I don't know if its just teenage rebellion or some mental disorder - I'd never understand until I grow up anyways. Only one thing I know for sure is that I'm going to fail my parents. No, not in the academic part, but in the discipline part. To them, discipline always mattered more than grades. They'd be proud of me if I was an average student but a disciplined daughter. Buuuuut life has a knack for irony doesn't it? It made me top school exams without even studying. It also made me one of the most rebellious daughters you can ever meet. (I don't do shit like drugs, whatever I do is legal)

As I said, they still continued to be the best parents. They never gave up on me no matter how many blunders I did in my whole life. They gave me so many chances and trusted me every single time. I don't know if I should feel happy for myself to have them as my parents or feel sad for them to have me as their daughter. I guess a part of me knew I'd never be disciplined enough for them. So I tried to make them proud in another way that was easier.

I chose to get into IIT when I was in 4th grade. (No shit) School syllabus was child's play for me anyway. So I chose to pursue a more challenging exam to make my life less boring AND make my parents proud by becoming one among the few thousand who ever got into IIT. Yes, the latter was a more stronger reason than the former. I couldn't care less about challenges. I only ever wanted to put a smile on my parents' faces. (My actions would say otherwise) 

Still, I could never get to their level or greatness and love. My dad literally left his job abroad because 9 year old me said "Pa. I will get all university seats in merit. You don't need to spend money on paying donations. Just please be with me pa. I always miss you whenever you are in abroad. I wish you would stay with us everyday." He left his job after that. (No shit)

Now, you would wonder why someone with parents like mine needs a 'fresh start'. That's where all the teenage drama comes in. I vaguely remember having the attitude of a bitch. Now, child me didn't know what that meant, it just acted like it wanted without caring about others' feelings. Only after growing up without much friends did I realize how badly I needed to correct my attitude. And I did, with the help of a kind soul and few tips from k-dramas. 

When the covid lockdown started, I was in 8th grade. The syllabus was too easy for me that I drowned myself in k-dramas all day to prevent boring myself to death. Eventually, it became an addiction and I ended up disappointing my parents. (Trust me, I have disappointed my parents more than the amount of hair on my head). Given, I did perform well in exams of coaching institutes and school, everyone knew my performance would be greater if I just let go of all distractions and unleash my full potential (which I never did by the way). 

That is where the fresh start shit came in. (You'll understand later why I called it shit) I was going into 9th grade which is considered to be appropriate for starting full-fledged IIT JEE preparation. So my parents decided to put me in a better school as they wanted to give me the best environment in order to achieve my dream. 

So I was enrolled in a school miles away from our safe haven of a township, with fees that can only be paid by upper middle class & rich people, with the promise of a hostel coming in soon as it was a brand new school started by a successful JEE coaching institute. Only my parents would agree to enroll me in such an expensive school just because I liked it and it would take me towards my dream (Especially when I was the one who told my dad to leave his very-well-paid and luxurious job) sighs deeply

After weeks of self-loathing, I decided to be a better daughter for them. No more distractions. No more relationships. No more putting half efforts on studies. And especially no falling in love with any boy. Just me, my parents and studies. I had it all pretty planned. I would go to a new school - be a nicer, kinder, more responsible and compassionate daughter. I will not get involved in any drama and will spend the rest of my high school years like a fucking saint. (Y'all can imagine how that ended up)

Just when I decided to show fate a middle finger and go through with my own plans, all my plans came crashing down faster than a fucking landslide in just one moment.

One look. 

One smile. 

My whole world stopped. 

And I knew for a fact that I was officially, royally screwed. 

Well played, fate. Well fucking played. 

HE is going to ruin me, and I know for a fact that I'll let him. 


Author's note:

Aaaand that was chapter 1 guyss. I hope you all have a better understanding of Mira's life after this chapter. You will discover more about her in the following chapters. (Just don't hate her too much)

Word count :1000

Chapter edited by: Rachel123Z (Ilysmmm :^)

Please comment your opinions below and vote if you like it. This is my first ever story and while I have 0 expectations for views, comments and votes - I would very much appreciate your opinions on my writing. Writing this one chapter gave me a much-needed clarity and I know if I take this up more seriously, I'll become a better person than I am.

Have a nice day/night!!

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Ava King

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I'm new to writing but my dream is to publish atleast one book before I die! I found solace in reading and books helped me the most when I was at the lowest stage of my life. I wish to write books that'd help girls like me escape their cruel reality.

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